Surrendering a Pet
The decision to surrender your pet is an extremely difficult one and we hope to be able to offer some resources and guidance to help you along in this process. There are many things people aren't aware of that could resolve problems you might be having and allow you to keep your pet in your home with his or her family.
Please note that we CANNOT take in any stray pets. By law, all stray animals MUST be taken to a local Animal Control agency. This allows owners who may have lost these pets an opportunity to find their furry family member. Paws Crossed Animal Rescue is only able to take pets from overcrowded shelters, rescue partners or pets that have been relinquished by their owners.
Some Common Problems:
- Someone in my family is suddenly allergic:
> Speak to an allergist about options for treatment that don't involve giving up your pet.
> Consider allergy medication/shots
> Give more frequent baths with specific allergy related shampoos
> Brush your pet outdoors
> Do not allow your pet in your bedroom
> Remove carpeting
> Use a HEPA air filter
- My pet needs a procedure/surgery that I can't afford:
> A wonderful organization, Buddy's Healing Paws, has a program in place to support pet parents in need. You can fill out a request for help on their website here:
- We are having a baby:
- We are moving and our apartment does not allow pets:
> There are many complexes/buildings in Westchester County that allow pets - give us a call for assistance
- Misbehaved Pets:
> Consider Training:
> Have them checked by your vet, behavior problems could be due to a medical condition that could be easily resolved.
- My Cat is peeing outside of the litter box:
> This could be due to a urinary tract infection (UTI) so have them checked by your veterinarian
> If you moved your cats litter box this could be the issue
> You may need to change the litter box more frequently or add another box
- I cannot afford to take care of my pet:
> There are many low cost vaccine clinics, often at Petco's and Petsmarts
> Consider Care Credit
> We have a Community Kibble program that provides food and supplies at no cost!
- There are stray cats in my yard or neighborhood:
> Make sure the cats do not belong to anyone, hang signs in your neighborhood and contact local animal control or police departments
> If the cats are not owned and you are able to approach them and handle them (pet, pick up), fill out request below
> If the cats do not allow handling, look for a local TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release) group in your area.
> Once the cats are returned you can build housing and food stations for them to stay safe and warm in the winter:
> Housing:
> Feeding Stations:
- I need a temporary foster due to military leave or a hospital stay:
> Pact for Animals is a great resource that matches you up with a foster home looking to help:

If you still need to give up your pet please submit your information below. We cannot guarantee we will be able to take in your pet. We will do our best to help you place your pet and if we cannot take them we will provide you with other resources.
To avoid your pet entering a shelter system you can also safely list them online at
If we agree to evaluate your pet it is always subject to a behavior and medical evaluation.
Please note that we cannot typically accept sick pets.