*You must be a cleared dog walking volunteer with a pre-approved foster agreement*
See or email Bella for more information:
Tonka's Day Out!
Check out Tonka's day trip with one of his favorite people, Andrea! She took this handsome, 2 1/2 year old lad to her house for a day of play and pampering as part of our awesome VPA (Volunteer Pet Advocate) program.
And as you can see.... he was an absolute superstar! ⭐️Andrea said he was such a 'good boy' ... loved playing with his toys, asked to go outside when he needed to, and any time she sat down, he would sit right next to her and put a paw on her.
Cowboy's Day Out!
Introducing Cowboy- an all-around great guy with a world-class smile. This gentlemanly buckaroo is the perfect mixture of playful and couch potato. Cowboy is quite an outdoorsy guy; whether he’s exploring new smells on a long walk, or playing catch, Cowboy loves to get some fresh air with his friends. Most of all, Cowboy loves to plop down on the couch where he can snuggle up right next to his favorite people. You can’t find a better partner to binge watch Netflix with than Cowboy!
Daniel's Day Out!
Daniel launched our program by going for a day visit to one of his favorite people's, Andrea, house!!! She sent us pictures, videos and updates all day long of just how amazing he was doing in a home setting. These are all amazing tools we can use when speaking with potential adopters about certain pets! Watch the video from his day below...he was adopted two days later!